Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Please Describe Briefly How You are Feeling This Monday Morning...

I am befuddled.  If you want to change then why does one not change?

My example for this is the numerous people I see on Facebook and other social media outlets constantly complaining about their health, weight and general lack of energy.

They consistently post Monday Morning Bugles that 'they are not looking back, this time IS it!'  Heading to the gym and not getting derailed by anyth-

The following Monday Morning they bugle 'That this time they mean it!  No more looking back!'

Then throughout the week there are multiple picture posts of places they are eating at.  Not a salad bar, not a smoothie shop.  Hell not even a decent steak house.

No they post pictures of shit food from shitier places.  And they quote oh how they love it and have been craving it.   Pictures of their home cooked meals that are loads upon loads of calories let alone all the other bad stuff I don't need to get into.

If you love something own up to it.  If you want to eat to make yourself sick, fat, unhealthy then just gawd damn do it and own up to it.  Stop with all the other bullshit whining of what you think people want to hear - because you know what?  I'm tired of hearing it.  Shut up, you aren't fooling anybody.

This is not a knock on anybody or anyone who is not lean, mean nor a fighting machine.  

This is a knock on those that don't own up to whom they truly are.

Wake Up.

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