Friday, July 11, 2014

Beer and Water

Beer and water are the only two things I drink these days.  (Not in that order - water and beer just doesn't have the same ring to it)

For many years I drank the 44 ounce soda from a fountain.  That would be my first stop of the day on the way to work.

Which is funny because I grew up with an uncle that loved Pepsi - drank it by the 2 litre (what were they called before litres?)  He owned a landscaping company and I worked with him from a very young age.

I swear back then I KNEW that soda was not good.  I knew before, even before all my college classes on the body, that the soda would spike your body with sugar and then it would be deflated.

Mind you, this was back also when the soda was carbonated water, sugar and food coloring.  Not the scientific petri dish a bottle of soda is today.

Back then I knew better.  I drank water all day long.  That was it.  At home, I would drink milk - as I was a 'growing boy'.  But that was it back then.  Water and Milk.

Spring forward and for some reason soda entered my life.  Gallons and gallons of soda.

Then one day I had enough of it and said to heck with this.  (Those that know me well enough knows better than that I would use a PG saying like that - but I don't know you loyal reader well enough yet)

I switched to coffee.

First it was a full pot of coffee.  I would take two large travel mugs with me every day.  I would drink em both (was never a fan of HOT coffee so this didn't matter)

Then after the coffee it was water.

Coffee til 10 AM.  Water until 4.  Beer from 5 - 8ish.  Big huge glass of milk or two and then to bed.

Last October 6th (2013) this vegan thing takes over my mind and I have been 100% vegan since then.

Instead of MILK I went to Coconut milk.  And for some reason I went to 1/2 pot of coffee per day.  I only had to take ONE mug with me each morning - yahh!

About two months ago decided to go caffeine free.  No thoughts, no delays just decided to do it - or more importantly not do it anymore.

Since then it's been beer, water and coconut milk...until this past week.  Coconut is out the window as well.

Now it's just beer and water.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Please Describe Briefly How You are Feeling This Monday Morning...

I am befuddled.  If you want to change then why does one not change?

My example for this is the numerous people I see on Facebook and other social media outlets constantly complaining about their health, weight and general lack of energy.

They consistently post Monday Morning Bugles that 'they are not looking back, this time IS it!'  Heading to the gym and not getting derailed by anyth-

The following Monday Morning they bugle 'That this time they mean it!  No more looking back!'

Then throughout the week there are multiple picture posts of places they are eating at.  Not a salad bar, not a smoothie shop.  Hell not even a decent steak house.

No they post pictures of shit food from shitier places.  And they quote oh how they love it and have been craving it.   Pictures of their home cooked meals that are loads upon loads of calories let alone all the other bad stuff I don't need to get into.

If you love something own up to it.  If you want to eat to make yourself sick, fat, unhealthy then just gawd damn do it and own up to it.  Stop with all the other bullshit whining of what you think people want to hear - because you know what?  I'm tired of hearing it.  Shut up, you aren't fooling anybody.

This is not a knock on anybody or anyone who is not lean, mean nor a fighting machine.  

This is a knock on those that don't own up to whom they truly are.

Wake Up.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


There is only one life to live, one garden to grow.
There may not be a tomorrow, there is no guarantee.
Tomorrow may never come, today is a gift.
Touch, smell, move, laugh, cry, smile, sweat and love.
Time will come when each one of use heads to heaven, hell or restart a new life - dependant upon your beliefs.

Let me ask you this, if you believe one of those three will indeed happen, why are you wasting now?

For then?  Are you sitting in a waiting room waiting for something better to come along?

When they call your name, when it's your time - suddenly everything is ok?  All better?

Why wait on anything to make you happy.  You can breath air and your heart pumps blood.

Your name has already been called.  Your time IS now.
